Welcome to REInvest Services
REInvest is an owner-managed company that has an extensive pan-European network at all levels of the real estate value chain through its experienced team and close partnerships.
The track record amounts to more than 150 accompanied transactions and more than € 4 billion in volume.
The Services
diverse & precise
The services range from strategic advice on real estate and fund level to transaction and financing advice to the structuring of regulated and non-regulated investment vehicles.
Customized solutions for our customers are at the forefront of our commitment.
Why Luxembourg
modern & multicultural
Geographically located in the center of Western Europe (neighbouring Belgium, France and Germany), Luxembourg is founding member of the Europen Union, the second largest investment fund centre after the United States.
The success of the financial is founded on the social and political stability of the Grand Duchy and on a modern legal and regulatory framework that is continiously updated, inspired by regular consultation between the government, the legislator and the private sector.
This legal framework, combined with Luxembourgs opennes to the world an it’s experiences multilingial and multicultural workforce, has attracted banks, insurance companies, investment fund promoters and specialist service providers from all over the world.
In addition to having an investment-friendly tax and legal environment, the regulations on the fight against money-laundring and the unceasing work from legislator to promote Luxembourg as a full-regulated on-shore location have greatly contributed to the attractiveness of the country.
- Investment friendly on-shore location
- Experienced, multilingual and multicultural wokrforce
- Experienced, multilingual and multicultural wokrforce
- Modern legal and regulatory framework
- Political stability

Carreer at REInvest
Would you like to develop professionally? We would also like to develop further and are looking for reinforcement in the area of asset management and services.
The REInvest Group
Asset Management blended with Services to match
The REInvest Group invests in and manages properties in various asset classes across Europe. Through its specialized companies, it offers professional investors corporate services, strategic and operational asset management, investment management and fund management services.
Visit the pages of REInvest Group and REInvest Asset Management and get an idea of our services.